About CMIC


  • Number of employees


    Our employees work in numerous job categories including Clinical Research Associate.
    *Regular and contract employees

    As of March 31, 2024

  • Ratio of job categories

    Clinical Research Associate



    Data Management



    Statistical Analysis






    Regulatory Affairs Consulting



    Medical Writing



    Project Management



    Quality Management



    Vendor Management



    Business Development






    By fulfilling an essential role in the clinical development field in their respective fields of specialty, our employees support the development of drugs on the ground.

    As of March 31, 2024

  • Age ratio of employees













    Over 60s



    We have many young employees, with the majority still in their 20s or 30s. In a well-established culture of mutual respect for diverse values and backgrounds, employees are able to exhibit their talents regardless of age or career with the company.

    As of March 31, 2024

  • Ratio of men to women

    • 0%

    • 0%

    Women account for approximately 70% of our workforce. With a support structure that allows employees to work regardless of life stage changes, and a corporate culture that respects the individuality of employees, CMIC offers an environment in which employees can build the careers they want irrespective of gender.

    As of March 31, 2024

  • Ratio of academic backgrounds (science/humanities)

    humanities science
    • %

    • %

    In the rapidly changing healthcare industry, employee education is key to the business. Having established a training structure that is geared to solidly imparting knowledge, in addition to employees who have a science background, many employees with a degree in humanities also work for CMIC.

    As of March 31, 2024

  • Annual average paid leave acquisition rate

    Annual average
    paid leave acquisition rate


    Another feature of CMIC is that employees can easily utilize paid leaves. This is precisely coming from our deeply rooted culture of mutual cooperation between employees. Any employee, as a matter of course, can utilize paid leave regardless of their reasons for taking leave or their career in the company.

    April 1, 2023-March 31, 2024

  • Annual number of holidays

    Annual number
    of holidays


    Thanks to CMIC's complete five-day workweek system (Saturday and Sunday are holidays), employees can work while cherishing their own time. Many of our employees fully enjoy pastimes such as traveling and doing sports.

    April 1, 2023-March 31, 2024

  • Maternity leave/childcare leave utilization rate

    • men


    • women


    In addition to our female employees, many of our male employees also take childcare leave. Moreover, because CMIC has so many female employees and a deep understanding for balancing work with child raising, the environment here ensures that employees can smoothly return to work after taking time off.

    October 1, 2022-September 30, 2023

  • Teleworking rate

    Average rate of home teleworking
    out of prescribed work days:


    CMIC has introduced a home teleworking system which allows employees to conduct remote work on all or some of their work days. We provide an environment that enhances work efficiency by catering to online participation in meetings, etc. and allows employees to flexibly experience diverse working styles.

    Regular employees / April 1, 2023-March 31, 2024

  • Ratio of mid-career recruits in recent years

    • 2020

      Mid Career% New Graduate%
    • 2021

      Mid Career% New Graduate%
    • 2022

      Mid Career% New Graduate%
    • 2023

      Mid Career% New Graduate%

    In recent years, CMIC has been devoting more energy to recruiting mid-career employees. Indeed, in fiscal 2022, more than half of our new recruits joined us mid-career. We also welcome new recruits arriving from not only the same industry but also other job categories. Many employees who possess diverse experiences leverage their individuality and skills in their work.

    As of March 31, 2024